Saturday, December 17, 2011

Guardian Angel....

I was having this dream the other night.  I was in a car that fell into a lake or body of water, and I was drowning.  Then, this beautiful angel came out of nowhere to save me...

At that same moment, serious, I heard a noise in my living room.  A bunch of my books were knocked off my shelf, but separated from the rest, lying alone in the middle of the room, was the book entitled "Angels and Demons".

I really feel this was a sign, that my guardian angel is watching over me.  I get signs all the time.  Makes me feel special. :)

I Corinthians 13.....LOVE.....

This passage from the Bible reminds me of what I am looking for in my life.....

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
 8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
 13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

September 2010 vs. January 2012.....

When I first separated from my ex in 2010, it was really weird.  The only way to describe it would be a feeling of being lost in the woods, or not being able to swim in the deep end.  And now, although being single is not ever completely comfortable to me, I just know things will work out for the better. God is watching over me.  I have made new friends, strengthened current friendships, and reattached to old ones.  I was surprised to find so many compassionate people in this world, so much so, that I want to give back.  Every day,  I am grateful for what I have in my life, help someone in need, and pray for people in need.  During the holidays I feel this more intensely.  When I look back at how my life used to be ten years ago, and how it is now, I realize things have progressed for the better.   I look forward to where my life will be going.  Nothing in is for certain right now, but I will find my way in the woods, and swim like a champ.  I have faith.

Also, I have a forgive list, and a prayer list.  If you are reading my blog, you are on my prayer list.  I wish all of you loads of health, wealth, and happiness in 2012.  Love you all!!!!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Mr. Darcey and Elizabeth dancing. :)

Bruno Mars....It Will Rain...

The Architect

He has been texting and calling, every day.  I even tempted him to go get coffee, and he moved his schedule to meet me for a brief date.  We are supposed to hang out on Sunday for date number three, which I believe will happen  because he keeps referring to it as a positive thing.  I am going to take a guess he is seeing other people, because he made the date for Sunday, not Friday or Saturday.  Saturday is THE night for a date with someone.  Although he seems like a hard worker, when it interferes with weekends, I get weary.   His sense of humor is awesome.  When we talk, I am always laughing.  Humor indicates intelligence in a man, and can also mean people are on the save mental wave length.  You have to be able to laugh together.  We also have music, movies, and other small things in common.  

I am trying to keep in mind the great qualities my best friends have, and searching for this in my ideal guy:
humor of course, intelligence, loves family, spiritual, healthy lifestyle, text and email humorous items, shopping, movies, wine, community (someone who is charitable), loves children, patient, sensitive, and positive.  

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A date in Target...

What made the date with the Cable Guy different and fun?  I was discussing with him how I love doing laundry.  I don't know what it is, the process is very soothing to me.  I was explaining how I only like one detergent, Tide with Febreeze- it has a purple cap.  The smell of the detergent, folding warm laundry right out of the dryer, love it!

I explained,"Target is right across the way, why don't we go there and just walk around?"  We had so much fun.  We walked the isles, avoided the drug store section for obvious reasons, and laughed at some of the items on display.

This said a lot about him.  I actually like when a guy just goes with it, unplanned.  Spontaneous is romantic.  Planned or cliche date activities can really get boring.  Another thing I liked, he carried the detergent for me.  This may seem really small and unimportant, but it's the little things that really matter to me.  Chivalry is not dead.

*This post is for you Kelly.  xoxo

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Cable Guy..

I have a first date tomorrow afternoon with the Cable Guy.  We are just meeting for a drink.  What I like most about him is he has a great sense of humor.  He is understanding my sarcasm, and has witty comebacks.  His profile reads he is a widower, and I don't plan on asking him the story.  I believe this would be disrespectful.  I don't believe in talking about exes on dates, but does this go for exes whom have passed away?  This is going to be an interesting date.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

To keep notes, or not to keep notes....

When emailing/texting/speaking to new prospects, should a girl keep notes on each guy so she doesn't get confused?  Absolutely.  One evening last year I was speaking to two different guys in one night.  When I said good night to the second guy, I said the wrong name.  He said,"That was the last guy you spoke to tonight."(no laughter)  What did I learn from this scenario?

A) Never talk to more than one guy in one night.
B) Schedule the phone dates in advance.  Example:  "Call me Wednesday night at 8."
C) Keep brief notes on the background and name of each guy.  I even create a code name for each, as shown in previous blogs.

When a guy tapers off, I cross them off my list, and look to add on another one.  Peace, love, and kisses. :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sawyer from Lost....HOT...

The Secret...totally works...

When they want your cell number with no conversation...

When men go straight for the cell phone number, they only want one thing.  Also, if you they ask you out for that same exact evening, this also indicates they want one thing.  What I am expecting a nice guy to do is ask questions, talk about himself in a positive way, and feel out any suggestions for a date.

Nice guys will be patient, and not rush any aspect of the dating process.  Woman create the pace, and are in control of the situation.  If it does get to the point of speaking on the phone, I will keep the conversation brief.  After fifteen minutes, I will say I have to go walk my dog.

Asking questions is so important during the email process, but not too much.  I like to pass along 3 or 4 emails, then if he seems normal, I give my number to him.  If too much is said, nothing is left for the date.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dating break....over

Ok, I have been dating one guy for six months.  We are both moving on.   I am about to sign up again on Match, getting ready to ride the dating cycle again.  I am rethinking my profile and pictures at this point.  I am ready to write about my new adventures.  People actually love hearing my stories.   I am glad to keep track of the fun dates that go astray.  As I speak to fellow singles, I have realized I am definitely not alone.  I know what I want, so this makes my search a little easier.  This sounds lame, but my guy is going to have to be a religious dog lover.  The end.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The boxer who threw a left hook...

For weeks, I have been eyeing up this cute guy in my boxing class.  First it was a smile, then a "how are you"plus a smile, and so on.  Finally, last week, we had some conversation and mild flirtation before class. I was really looking forward to seeing him today, and get my flirt on, possible give out my number.  Test the waters.

I am early, with my coffee.  My hair is done, my makeup looks good.  I have my best looking workout outfit on.  Was waiting for class to start.  He arrives early, I yell over to him "You going to make trouble today or what?"  He smiled, and then came over.  I am thinking this is good.  Now we are cooking.  I asked him about his job, he mentioned not being able to go out last night. (This sounds single) No ring.  Okay, I am thinking looking really good.  I slipped into the conversation I was not married. My other guy friends from the gym come in, and they assemble around us.

Steve goes, "Hey, where is your wife today?" I remained smiling, and continued the conversation with my guyfriends trying to act like nothing just happened.  In my mind I was saying to myself,"No way.  I can't believe this. Next time, get some facts before you put the moves on anyone."  This was dating lesson #345 in the past eight months.

I still think he's cute punching the bag.  I guess I'll just have to look at him like a new pair of shoes in a store window from now on. :)  He usually lingers after classes.... not today though, which I found very interesting.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Great Advice..

My favorite quote from this article, "I will not die the death of loneliness by being afraid to love and afraid to get hurt."  This makes a lot of sense. 

The Art of Solitude...

Dating coach...

How to get a guy to notice you...

Being Single....

Well, to update my blog, nothing really crazy has been going on.  I have been very picky about who I email/talk to.  Between all of this weading out of men, I have been actually finding some interesting people.  So normal, I don't even have names for them!

This dating thing might actually be fun :)  Being single is wonderful. It has it's advantages.  I have been reading "The Secret", and created a vision board.  I couldn't believe the pictures I was choosing to throw onto this thing. I truly believe if you visualize what you want, it will be granted.  Matthew 21:22 states, "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."  I truly believe this.  Also, I have not been looking enough at all of the graces I have in my life, and there are many.  There is so much to be grateful for.  Even though I have been speaking to interesting people, I have been really focusing on being comfortable and proud of my single status.  I have made friends with myself, whom I can always count on :)  Whether I get a date or not, I have been really happy.  Also, I have been catching up on my sleep. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Zookeeper and the Republican

Where do I start first?  Is there a difference?

The Zookeeper worked at a famous Zoo which we all know and love, very nice person.  There were just too many differences between us.  Our one commonality was that we both love animals, that was it.  We didn't meet, I didn't want to waste our time.  He texted me at lunch about my day, and I just responded in a positive way,"Sorry, I think you are a really cool guy, but we don't have a lot in common.  Good luck on your search."  He responded, "I kinda thought so".  I hope he finds his prime-mate, get it!  lol.

The Republican is also a very nice person, he loves history.  As a matter of fact, during our first date, he was taking something out of his wallet.  I flinched because I thought maybe it was shaped like a condom, it wasn't. It was an antique coin from 1778.  When he asked why I flinched, I told him my thoughts, and he said,"What kind of dates have you been on??"  How do I know he is a Republican?  He told me so within the first hour of our meeting.  Doesn't this go against one of the cardinal rules of dating?  No talk of politics, for a very long time.

When I told guyfriend number two about his political stance, his response was "Where do you find these guys?"

Monday, February 14, 2011

HVD from the Camper...

Since my last post about Camper dude, I have not even spoken to him verbally on the phone.  We have just texted, that's it.  Today I got a "Happy Valentines Day" from him, so I texted back,"same to you, how about we chat sometime?"

CD then proceeded to attempt a text conversation with me, telling me about his weekend.  I haven't heard (literally) from him yet, maybe he's out camping and his phone connection is too choppy.  I appreciate the kind gesture of wishing me a HVD. :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Guyfriend one, two and three vs. hoards of women....

Lately, as I have mentioned before, I have a lot of guyfriends.  I am observing up close certain behaviors, and their relationships with other women.  It has been very interesting.  They have no problem sharing this information with me, and are actually proud of their stories, lol.  I really appreciate their input.

I truly believe it might be easier for men to pick up loads of women, one for each day of the week.  I just noticed this trend.  In the past two weeks, GF1 and  GF2 have had eight to ten dates, two or three of which they now see more consistently.  GF3 has his own vibe going.  Observe:

GF1 every night of the week is going out, dating women.  He can't get enough activity.  GF1 has a girl he sees two to three times per week, then he also is seeing this other girl about once a week.  In between, he attends bars and other places, hooking up left and right very easily.

GF2 has two women fighting over him.  He was just seeing this one woman, who he kind of cooled it off with.  Then in the same environment he started seeing another girl.  Girl one picked up on girl two.  While he started speaking and flirting with girl one again,  while girl two waited patiently on the other side of the room drinking her coffee watching.  Girl two already has a boyfriend.  Also, on the weekend, GF2 goes out and hooks up with other women.

GF3 doesn't even try to go out and get women, they just seem to find him, even on facebook.  He just sits back and lets them flock to him in numbers.  He is more choosey with whom he goes out with, and only dates the most worthy candidates.  He could be shopping in a store, then women just come up to him and give him their number.

There is a lot I am not mentioning here, such as other behaviors their "dates" participate in.  Let's just say women are very competitive in the dating world, as we should be.

Is this what dating really is? I was just wondering.  Or is it the Valentines Day rush?? lol  I just love hearing their stories, so I can measure my own dating practices against these hoards of women :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Engineer

One of the best dates so far.  He suggested Ethiopian food, which was different, but awesome.  It gave him the opportunity to shine, I didn't know what to order, so I asked him to order for the both of us.  Great conversation, great atmosphere.  Just the thought of something different combined with great company was really refreshing.  Afterwards, we went for drinks.  A+ for the Engineer, hopefully we'll go out again.  If not, it was just a great date.  I will totally bring my friends to eat Ethiopian, don't knock it until you try it. I told him the story about Salt Licker, he thought it was hilarious.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Date tonight...

New guy tonight, the Engineer.  More information to follow.  TGIF

Sunday, February 6, 2011

New guy on the horizon never called, and H.S. teacher cancelled due to skiing conditions. Moving on :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Maya Angelou: The greatest poem written about single women.


......I say,
It's the fire in my eyes
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing of my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery..........

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New guy on the horizon, haven't named him yet.

Today I am supposed to get a call from a new guy.  He has no name yet, it will come to me.  He sounds very nice, he emailed me asking what time was good to have a phone conversation.  I am thinking, not a player. A player would just call me, even at 11 pm.

Thank you Lizzy..

My first friend to read my blog.  xoxo  Thank you for your help :)

Monday, January 31, 2011

My secret weapon...

One suggestion...get yourself a man friend who knows dating tricks.  Someone who can give you feedback on what men say and do. :)  This can be a good defense against PLAYERS, and other riff raff.

Texted high school teacher today...

I was bored, so I texted h.s. teacher while I had class.  I sent him a smiley face from my blackberry.  He told me exactly what he was doing at that moment, lol.  Teachers are so efficient.