Ok, I went to a speed dating event after the holidays. It was a very last minute thing, Steve (my secret man weapon) suggested I go because a date cancelled on me. I decided to embrace thy single self and attend. I forgot to put the right shoes on, maybe this effected the outcome. There were three dates, out of about nine:
Cell phone guy had a nice cell phone, I'll give him that. He had an Iphone. I had just ordered a glass of wine, and the bell to switch rang. He sat down next to me a little late, wonder why, and two seconds later he was texting. I was trying to talk to him, but then his phone rang. I sipped my wine and waited patiently. As soon as he got done talking, his phone rang again. He was very sorry, but I sat there like....what?? The girl on another speed date not so far away from me yelled at him, saying,"Dude, that's rude. You are on a date!" She looked at me with wide eyes, and laughed while we exchanged girl connection looks.
Notetaker was a cop. He actually had a piece of paper and pencil at the bar, and began to ask me about my career, and living conditions. I saw his notes on the other girls, Cop didn't even attempt to try to hide them. No lie, he would stop me from talking, and then write his notes about me, in front of me. I actually asked him," Dude, are you really taking notes on me?" He was very serious, as if writing a parking ticket, and explained he was doing this so he could remember each girl he had a date with and keep close track.
Club ear dude was not handicapped in any way. He either wanted me to lean in closer, or he was still stoned from partying in NYC the night before. I had to yell to have a conversation with him. He kindly explained to me that he came home at six a.m. hungover. When the bell rang to switch dates, he didn't know what direction to go in for his next date, the organizer had to guide him to his next date.