Sunday, November 20, 2011

When they want your cell number with no conversation...

When men go straight for the cell phone number, they only want one thing.  Also, if you they ask you out for that same exact evening, this also indicates they want one thing.  What I am expecting a nice guy to do is ask questions, talk about himself in a positive way, and feel out any suggestions for a date.

Nice guys will be patient, and not rush any aspect of the dating process.  Woman create the pace, and are in control of the situation.  If it does get to the point of speaking on the phone, I will keep the conversation brief.  After fifteen minutes, I will say I have to go walk my dog.

Asking questions is so important during the email process, but not too much.  I like to pass along 3 or 4 emails, then if he seems normal, I give my number to him.  If too much is said, nothing is left for the date.

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